Fabric for Anne Page's skirt
Merry Wives of Windsor Inspiration Board
The townspeople of Windsor, Texas
The irrepressible Sir John Falstaff with the good people of Windsor
Shenanigans before opening night
Sir John's belly, "Porter", side view
More shenanigans with Sir John Falstaff
Anne Page, Sir Slender, and Sir Shallow
Opening night jitters, before the curtain goes up
Panoramic shot of the cast
Anne Page and Mrs. Quickley
Sir Shallow, the elegant gentleman rancher
Sir Slender, the classic cowboy
Shallow's opening monologue
Mrs. Quickley and Sir John Falstaf
Sir John and his cronies
The Pages, The Fords and The Shallows
Original concept for Mrs. Quickley
Original concept for Anne Page
Original concept for Mistresses Ford & Page
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