A harmonious blend of moody floral brocades and metallics
Don Armado's Elizabethan Ruff, made from double-edged lace
Masked Ball Scene
Holofernia Dress and Corset
Holofernia Dress and Corset on stage, with Boyet, plus Berowne in the background
Sweet Jacquenetta's dirndl and corset
Jacquenetta with Don Armado, with The Princess and Berowne in the background
Costard's Doublet, front view, under construction
Costard's Doublet, back view, under construction
Costard's Doublet, on stage
Navarre vs. LaFrance
Star-crossed lovers at the masked ball
The cast of Love's Labors Tossed, at dress rehearsal
The Leading Men of Love's Labors Tossed
More views of the main characters, boys' chorus, and girls' ensemble
Masked Ball Scene
The bearer of bad news
Promises made to return one year later
The finale, dress rehearsal, with the cast, chorus, and ensemble back in time to the present day
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